Feel free to suggest some improvements in the (google) translations below.
Blackout 2024
- What is a philosophical question? Examples of philosophical questions (2022)
- What is relativism? (2019)
- Is « the Earth is round » a metaphysical statement? (2019)
- Everything is true – to a certain extent (2019)
- Can we avoid philosophical questioning? (What is philosophical questioning, 2018)
- Philosophy of science: modal empiricism, by Quentin Ruyant (2018)
- What is constructivism? (2018)
- The challenge of « decentration » (2017)
- Logic against fallacies (2014)
- Examples of philosophical questions (2014)
- Hegel, What is the dialectics? (2011)
- Introduction to Epistemology
Ethics and morality
- Ruwen Ogien: Moral Panics and Minimal Ethics (2022)
- Ruwen Ogien, Philosophize or make love (2020)
- Virtues, deontology and consequentialism: the 3 paths of moral philosophy (2020)
- Armaments and nuclear bombs: Humanity on borrowed times? (2020)
- What is existentialism? (2018)
- Ethology, the Psychology and the Sociology of Animals (2018)
- Social Psychology (2017)
- Love and Philosophy (2015)
- War and Philosophy (2015)
- Hans Jonas, The Responsibility Principle (2012)
- Introduction to Moral philosophy
Media funding
- Link Economy v. Content Economy, as inspired by Jeff Jarvis (2022)
- Is media sensationalism ethical? (2021)
- The Social Dilemma: A review (2020)
- Media and public money (2020)
- What is a press agency/a news agency? (2020)
- Media business: what economic models to (save) the press? (2020)
- Funding and independence of the press: are reliability and pluralism threatened? (2017)
- Economics of the web – Hide this ad that I cannot see (2015)
Uses of digital media, online social networks
- When Technology Will Replace Humans (2020)
- Cyberbullying, a catch-all concept (2020)
- Do we read information differently from the Internet? (2020)
- Media and image of young people (2019)
- Intimate photos of adolescents on the Internet: for an education in consent (2018)
- GDPR: why protect our personal data? (2018)
- Stéphane Vial: « There is no difference between the real and the virtual » (2016)
- Mass Surveillance and Power(s) (2013)
Disagreements, filter bubbles, freedom of expression and the practice of dialogue
- [Podcast] Filter bubbles: between alarmism and deconstruction (2021)
- Internet as a space of emancipation and co-construction of knowledge. How to dialogue constructively? (2019)
- Freedom of expression, media influence and regulation: should the media be controlled? (2020)
- [Interview] Social media algorithms – Filter bubbles, youth uses and media literacy (2018)
- Information, emotions and disagreements on the web – How to develop critical and respectful attitudes? (2018)
- Moderation and “trolls” – How to manage unwanted comments? (2018)
- Should racial slurs be censored? (2013)
Reliability of information, fake news , disinformation and trust/mistrust in the media
- Leading the debate: elements of media rhetoric (2024)
- Bullshit and fake news : back to basics (2024)
- Challenges and difficulties of the media treatment of climate change (2022)
- Disinformation, fake news: why we adhere to it and how to protect ourselves from it? (2021)
- Everyone is a media! (2020)
- Why is conspiracy a problem? (2020)
- “Fake News”: Why do we share fake content? (2019)
- [Interview] Which morality for journalism? (2019)
- On the circulation of information in times of social protest – Understanding the media issues around yellow vests (2019)
- [Interview] Media analysis: about news channels (2018)
- Eddy Caekelberghs, or the taboo of journalists’ political preferences (2018)
- “Do the media influence our society? » [Interview] (2018)
- [Interview] Communication and social media – On “influencer marketing” (2018)
- Disinformation and media literacy [Interview] (2017)
- The Decodex, a relevant tool in the face of misinformation and lies on the web? (2017)
- Intervention « Informing, getting informed: disinformation and fake news » (2017)
- Can we trust Wikipedia? (2017)
- [Summary of my book] Media: Influence, Power and Reliability. What can we trust ?
Media education / Media literacy
- Should students be required to find documentation in paper format? (2021)
- What can media education still do today? (2020)
- 8 questions about media literacy (2017)
- Dossier The sorcerer’s apprentices of media education (2014)
- What educational strategies should be put in place in relation to the relations that users have with the media?
- My thesis (2009): The critical spirit of young people in relation to the search for reliable sources on the Internet: what are the challenges for media education?
- Media, philosophy and citizenship
- How to fight against hate speech ? (2018)
- From voluntarism to making individuals feel guilty: ideologies that alienate us (2018)
- A plea for Nuance (2020)
- Be nuanced ! (2021)
- The Society, The System, The Media, People, The sheeps : these categories which prevent us from thinking about the complexity of social realities (2022)
- How to Understand the Circulation of Conservative Discourses ?
- The Truth About (Bullshit) Jobs, Unemployment and Poverty (2013)
- On the importance of counter-powers (2024)
- Dissonance (2024)
- What I believed in when I was 20, and how I changed my mind (2025)
- Particularisms versus universalism: rethinking collectivity in unifying narratives (2025)
Education, didactics
- Should students be required to find documentation in paper format? (2021)
- Socio-cognitive and socio-emotional skills in media literacy through cooperative play (Deham, J., 2019)
- Challenges and obstacles of the philosophy and citizenship course in French-speaking Belgium (2019)
- Media, philosophy and citizenship (2019)
- Dossier: the sorcerer’s apprentices of media education (2012)
- Reading sheet (2011) of the book by Fournier, Troger (dir.), Les mutations de l’école (2005)